Benefit & Fundraising Events


We’ve Got Your Next Fundraising Event Covered

Your organization's mission is ready to take the stage! Now, you need a motivated Benefit Auctioneer Specialist who brings the energy needed to empower your donors to get engaged with your fundraiser and give generously.

You’ve come to the right place.

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What’s the difference between other auctioneers and Dan Newman of Alaska Premier Auctions and Appraisals?

His incredible engaging techniques at making an appeal that will motivate your donors to GIVE BIG AND GIVE OFTEN!

If you’re looking to increase donations and send your donors home excited and surprised at their own generosity, then you have to make the ask count! Making your donors feel the urgency of giving now is a skill. A skill we have down pat.

What’s the result of a supercharged fundraising event?

Your mission fulfilled and a need, FUNDED!

With our guidance, we ring in the powerful donations, happy contributors, and repeat donors all from lasting memories of the most incredible mission-driven event ever!


How does Dan do it?

It's done with years of auction training and the ability to sincerely make your vision our vision. By aligning with your mission, It’s the momentum and the drive that get those paddles in the air! 

Are you ready to grant your mission the platform it deserves? 

The right motivation can fund a nation! So, grant your mission the appeal it deserves, and watch the magic happen! Couple that with the perfect appeal and watch those donor dollars soar. 

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We fill the gaps in your fundraising events by offering

a complete line of Fundraising Services:

We Coordinate Seamlessly with your:

  • Auctioneers
  • Ringmen / Bid Spotters
  • Pre-event Consulting
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Check-in / Check-out
  • Emcee / Master of Ceremonies
  • Post Event De-briefing​
  • Event Facility
  • A/V Company
  • Catering Company   
  • Photographers/Videographers
  • DJs/Emcees
  • Event Planner



About Alaska Premier Auctions & Appraisals 

Alaska Premier Auctions & Appraisals will take you to the next level of your fundraising goal from start to finish. We have the knowledge and industry partnerships to help you achieve premier results!

Whether you need a dynamic auctioneer for the night or a full-on fundraising partner, we provide you with the highest level of customer service, consulting, support and post-event reporting.

We’re Qualified!

We can answer any questions you have to help you meet your event goals!

As a Benefit Auctioneer Specialists (BAS), we utilize (BAS) best management practices and the auction method of marketing. APPA is qualified to plan, organize and make recommendations for your auction or event.

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What is Benefit Auctioneer Specialist (BAS)?

BAS is a two-part educational program for auction professionals featuring coursework focused on the fundraising components of the benefit auction event, item acquisition, audience development, revenue items, contractual agreements, and public relations. The BAS program, offered through the National Auctioneers Association (NAA) Education Institute, is taught by nationally recognized Auctioneers and professionals who serve the benefit auction industry. Less than 1% of Auctioneers throughout North America, have completed the rigorous two-part educational program needed to obtain and maintain BAS designation with specialized training in benefit auctions.

We’re the Only Preferred Partner Provider for Greater Giving!

We are Alaska's ONLY preferred partner provider for Greater Giving™, a platform designed exclusively for nonprofits and schools— enabling your organization to raise more funds with mobile bidding, online registration and donations, event management software, payment processing and peer-to-peer fundraising tools.

Visit or call 800-276-5992 to find out more!

Greater Giving






Benefit Travel Packages

Browse over 200 unique Experiences. It’s free to reserve and use these items in your event, and it costs you nothing if it doesn't sell! Our experienced auctioneers will 

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